(Established since 1959)

Spring Allegro

In 2022 a new event - the Spring Allegro (7 round Rapid/Allegro Swiss) will commence.
This event will now be a permanent addition to the Metropolitan Chess Club Calendar of Events.

2024 Metro Spring Allegro

The Spring Allegro - 7 rounds (15min + 3sec/move) was held early this year on the 8th & 15th of August.

Place Getters

 1st: Yonal De Vas (5.5/7)
 2nd: Carter Kerr (5.0/7)

 1st: Alex De Heer (5.0/7) [also =2nd overall]  
 2nd: Lennon Kerr (4.5/7) 

Final Standings

 Pos  N   NAME                     g |  Rtg Fed |  Pts     BH   BH-C1  
  1  11   De Vas,Yonal             m | 1802  WA |  5.5    26.5   26.5
  2   5   Kerr,Carter              m | 1730  WA |  5.0    26.0   25.0 
  3  10   De Heer,Alex             m | 1659  WA |  5.0    26.0   25.0 
  4   1   De Vas,Saminda           m | 2080  WA |  4.5    31.5   28.5
  5   8   Kerr,Lennon              m | 1667  WA |  4.5    28.0   24.5
  6   3   Barry,David              m | 1913  WA |  4.5    25.5   22.5
  7   6   McGregor,Mike            m | 1765  WA |  4.0    29.0   26.5
  8   2   Kinsman,Craig            m | 2077  WA |  4.0    24.5   21.5
  9  15   Liyange,Nithuli          f | 1674  WA |  3.5    26.5   23.5
 10   4   Dunlop,Gordon            m | 1913  WA |  3.5    26.0   23.5
 11  17   Zhang,Yuxuan             m | 1779  WA |  3.5    24.5   22.0
 12  19   Ashok,Akash              m | 1392  WA |  3.5    21.5   21.5 
 13   9   Yeung,Evan               m | 1784  WA |  3.5    21.5   20.5 
 14  12   Diaz,Marcos              m | 1600 QLD |  3.0    25.0   22.5
 15   7   Christian,Robin          m | 1759  WA |  3.0    20.5   20.5
 16  16   Klimczak,Joe             m | 1444  WA |  2.5    21.5   21.5
 17  13   Lip,Norman               m | 1545  WA |  2.5    17.0   17.0
 18  18   Williams,Joshua          m | 1340  WA |  2.0    18.0   18.0
 19  20   Khasanov,Umar        (W) m | 1337  SA |  1.5    26.0   23.5
 20  14   Hartley,Michael          m | 1533  WA |  1.0    22.5   22.5
 21  21   Carvalho,Deise           f |    0  WA |  0.0    21.5   20.5 

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                       Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7   |    BH   BH-C1  
  1  De Vas,Yonal               1802      WA  5.5 | +W21  +W2   =B4   +B10  -W7   +W5   +B3   |   26.5   26.5 
  2  Kerr,Carter                1730      WA  5.0 | +W20  -B1   +W9   -B3   +W15  +B11  +B4   |   26.0   25.0 
  3  De Heer,Alex               1659      WA  5.0 | -B19  +W16  +B20  +W2   +W4   +B7   -W1   |   26.0   25.0 
  4  De Vas,Saminda             2080      WA  4.5 | +W14  +B5   =W1   +W7   -B3   +B6   -W2   |   31.5   28.5 
  5  Kerr,Lennon                1667      WA  4.5 | +B11  -W4   =B19  +W13  +W10  -B1   +W7   |   28.0   24.5 
  6  Barry,David                1913      WA  4.5 | =BYE  =BYE  =BYE  +B12  +W8   -W4   +B14  |   25.5   22.5 
  7  McGregor,Mike              1765      WA  4.0 | +W16  +B9   +W12  -B4   +B1   -W3   -B5   |   29.0   26.5 
  8  Kinsman,Craig              2077      WA  4.0 | =BYE  =BYE  =BYE  +W14  -B6   =W9   +W15  |   24.5   21.5 
  9  Liyange,Nithuli            1674      WA  3.5 | +W15  -W7   -B2   =B11  +W12  =B8   =W10  |   26.5   23.5 
 10  Dunlop,Gordon              1913      WA  3.5 | =B17  +W19  +B13  -W1   -B5   =W14  =B9   |   26.0   23.5 
 11  Zhang,Yuxuan               1779      WA  3.5 | -W5   =W14  =B16  =W9   +B13  -W2   +B17  |   24.5   22.0 
 12  Ashok,Akash                1392      WA  3.5 | =B13  +W17  -B7   -W6   -B9   +W21  +B18  |   21.5   21.5 
 13  Yeung,Evan                 1784      WA  3.5 | =W12  +B15  -W10  -B5   -W11  +B16  +W20  |   21.5   20.5 
 14  Diaz,Marcos                1600     QLD  3.0 | -B4   =B11  +B17  -B8   +W16  =B10  -W6   |   25.0   22.5 
 15  Christian,Robin            1759      WA  3.0 | -B9   -W13  +B21  +W20  -B2   +W18  -B8   |   20.5   20.5 
 16  Klimczak,Joe               1444      WA  2.5 | -B7   -B3   =W11  +W17  -B14  -W13  +B21  |   21.5   21.5 
 17  Lip,Norman                 1545      WA  2.5 | =W10  -B12  -W14  -B16  +W21  +B20  -W11  |   17.0   17.0 
 18  Williams,Joshua            1340      WA  2.0 |  --    --    --   +B21  +W20  -B15  -W12  |   18.0   18.0 
 19  Khasanov,Umar          (W) 1337      SA  1.5 | +W3   -B10  =W5    --    --    --    --   |   26.0   23.5 
 20  Hartley,Michael            1533      WA  1.0 | -B2   +W21  -W3   -B15  -B18  -W17  -B13  |   22.5   22.5 
 21  Carvalho,Deise                0      WA  0.0 | -B1   -B20  -W15  -W18  -B17  -B12  -W16  |   21.5   20.5 

Previous Winners

 2022  Sa. De Vas
 2023  J. Storey
 2024  Y. De Vas