(Established since 1959)

Robert (Bob) Pilgrim Open

The Metropolitan Chess Club celebrated its 40th anniversary in 1999 with a 7 round swiss tournament. This format proved popular and attracted 33 players.

Originally titled the Metro Open, this event (as part of Metro's 60th anniversary) will now be known as the Robert (Bob) Pilgrim Open in recognition of the outstanding contribution made by Bob Pilgrim for the Metropolitan Chess Club.

First with 6.5/7 was a Midland Club member, Timo Farber. Equal second on 5/7 were David Ellis, Leon Taylor and Andrew Kuklinski.

The success of this competition prompted the Club to establish this tournament as a regular feature on our calendar commencing mid May. The tournament was named the Metro Open in 2000 because it may include CAWA members outside our Club.

The Robert (Bob) Pilgrim Open has attracted increasing numbers since the first tournament in 1999 when 33 players participated, but since our clubrooms have a physical limit to the number of participants, our own members have the first choice of entering. If the maximum limit has not been reached, entry is opened to CAWA members.

2024 Robert (Bob) Pilgrim Open

Format for this years event is a 7 Round Swiss with a time limit of 70 min + 30 sec increment per move. Round Draws, Standings & Cross Table generated by Vega - (copy licensed to: Metropolitan Chess Club - AUS)

The tournament results & PGN's below are believed to be correct, but if you find any errors please let the Web Site Administrator know and they will be corrected asap.

The PGN file of all available games is available here

Place Getters

  1st: Saminda De Vas & Ihsan Ferozkohi (5.5/7)
 =3rd: Daniel Clarke & Trent Gulley (5.0/7)
 =1st: Evan Yeung & Kobe Wu (4.0/7)
 =2nd: Mike McGregor, Sjef de Jong, Paul Moseley & Alex DeHeer (3.5/7) 

  1st: Kobe Wu (4.0/7)
 =2nd: Akash Ashok & Nithuli Liyanage (3.0/7)

Final Standings

 Pos  N   NAME                      g |  Rtg Fed |  Pts   BH-C1   BH   
  1   5   De Vas,Saminda            m | 2019  WA |  5.5    23.5  29.0 
  2   1   Ferozkohi,Ihsan           m | 2424  WA |  5.5    23.0  28.5
  3   9   Clarke,Daniel             m | 1922  WA |  5.0    23.0  25.0
  4   6   Gulley,Trent              m | 2015  WA |  5.0    22.0  27.0
  5   8   Dunlop,Gordon             m | 1929  WA |  4.5    20.5  23.0
  6  22   Wu,Kobe                   f | 1516  WA |  4.0    26.5  29.5
  7  13   Yeung,Evan                m | 1710  WA |  4.0    25.0  27.5
  8   7   Baumgartner,Robert        m | 2015  WA |  4.0    23.5  26.0
  9   3   Kinsman,Craig C           m | 2092  WA |  4.0    23.0  27.0
 10   4   Ellis,David               m | 2083  WA |  4.0    22.0  26.0
 11  12   McGregor,Mike             m | 1731  WA |  3.5    24.0  26.5
 12  10   Simonds,Marcus            m | 1795  WA |  3.5    23.0  25.5
 13   2   O'Mahoney,Keegan          m | 2167  WA |  3.5    22.5  26.0
 14  18   De Jong,Sjef              m | 1595  WA |  3.5    21.5  25.0
 15  20   Moseley,Paul              m | 1553  WA |  3.5    20.5  22.5
 16  16   De Heer,Alex              m | 1646  WA |  3.5    19.5  23.0
 17  11   Christian,Robin           m | 1732  WA |  3.0    24.0  26.0
 18  28   Ashok,Akash               m | 1035  WA |  3.0    23.0  25.5
 19  23   Liyanage,Nithuli          f | 1514  WA |  3.0    22.5  24.5
 20  14   De Vas,Yonal              m | 1700  WA |  3.0    21.5  24.5
 21  19   Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram   m | 1557  WA |  3.0    17.5  20.5
 22  17   Lubtschenko,Wally         m | 1606  WA |  2.5    20.0  22.0
 23  24   Milovanovic,Stevica       m | 1506  WA |  2.5    18.5  20.5
 24  26   Motu,Ben                  m | 1459  WA |  2.5    17.0  19.5
 25  21   Withnell,David        (W) m | 1547  WA |  2.0    18.0  20.0 
 26  25   Klimczak,Joe              m | 1501  WA |  2.0    18.0  20.0 
 27  27   De Vas,Senudi             f | 1087  WA |  2.0    17.5  19.5
 28  29   Hartley,Michael           m | 1000  WA |  2.0    14.5  16.5
 29  15   Zhang,Yuxuan          (W) m | 1700  WA |  1.0    14.5  15.5 

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7   |  BH-C1   BH   
  1  De Vas,Saminda                 2019      WA  5.5 | =BYE  =B20  +W29  +W7   +B3   +W6   =B2   |   23.5  29.0 
  2  Ferozkohi,Ihsan                2424      WA  5.5 | +B22  +W17  +B8   +W6   +B10   --   =W1   |   23.0  28.5 
  3  Clarke,Daniel                  1922      WA  5.0 | =W19  +B27  =W11  +B12  -W1   +B10  +B13  |   23.0  25.0 
  4  Gulley,Trent                   2015      WA  5.0 | =BYE  +W14   --   =B18  +W16  +B17  +W7   |   22.0  27.0 
  5  Dunlop,Gordon                  1929      WA  4.5 | -B6   +W23  =B18  -W13  +W19  +B15  +W11  |   20.5  23.0 
  6  Wu,Kobe                        1516      WA  4.0 | +W5   =B12  +W20  -B2   +W15  -B1   =W9   |   26.5  29.5 
  7  Yeung,Evan                     1710      WA  4.0 | +W18  =B9   =W12  -B1   +W25  +W8   -B4   |   25.0  27.5 
  8  Baumgartner,Robert             2015      WA  4.0 | +W25  =B11  -W2   +B14  =W9   -B7   +W17  |   23.5  26.0 
  9  Kinsman,Craig C                2092      WA  4.0 | +B15  =W7    --   =BYE  =B8   +W14  =B6   |   23.0  27.0 
 10  Ellis,David                    2083      WA  4.0 | =BYE  +B29  =W19  +B11  -W2   -W3   +B20  |   22.0  26.0 
 11  McGregor,Mike                  1731      WA  3.5 | +B24  =W8   =B3   -W10  +W18  =B12  -B5   |   24.0  26.5 
 12  Simonds,Marcus                 1795      WA  3.5 | +B23  =W6   =B7   -W3   =B21  =W11  =B16  |   23.0  25.5 
 13  O'Mahoney,Keegan               2167      WA  3.5 | +W21  =BYE   --   +B5   +B17   --   -W3   |   22.5  26.0 
 14  De Jong,Sjef                   1595      WA  3.5 | =BYE  -B4   +W25  -W8   +F29  -B9   +W22  |   21.5  25.0 
 15  Moseley,Paul                   1553      WA  3.5 | -W9   =B26  +W27  +F29  -B6   -W5   +B24  |   20.5  22.5 
 16  De Heer,Alex                   1646      WA  3.5 |  --    --   +B23  +W26  -B4   +W19  =W12  |   19.5  23.0 
 17  Christian,Robin                1732      WA  3.0 | +W26  -B2   +W21  +B19  -W13  -W4   -B8   |   24.0  26.0 
 18  Ashok,Akash                    1035      WA  3.0 | -B7   +BYE  =W5   =W4   -B11  =B22  =W21  |   23.0  25.5 
 19  Liyanage,Nithuli               1514      WA  3.0 | =B3   +W22  =B10  -W17  -B5   -B16  +W26  |   22.5  24.5 
 20  De Vas,Yonal                   1700      WA  3.0 | =BYE  =W1   -B6    --   +B26  +F25  -W10  |   21.5  24.5 
 21  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram        1557      WA  3.0 | -B13  +W24  -B17  +W28  =W12   --   =B18  |   17.5  20.5 
 22  Lubtschenko,Wally              1606      WA  2.5 | -W2   -B19  +W24  -B25  +B28  =W18  -B14  |   20.0  22.0 
 23  Milovanovic,Stevica            1506      WA  2.5 | -W12  -B5   -W16  +B27  -B24  =W28  +BYE  |   18.5  20.5 
 24  Motu,Ben                       1459      WA  2.5 | -W11  -B21  -B22  =BYE  +W23  +B27  -W15  |   17.0  19.5 
 25  Withnell,David             (W) 1547      WA  2.0 | -B8   +W28  -B14  +W22  -B7   -F20   --   |   18.0  20.0 
 26  Klimczak,Joe                   1501      WA  2.0 | -B17  =W15  =BYE  -B16  -W20  +BYE  -B19  |   18.0  20.0 
 27  De Vas,Senudi                  1087      WA  2.0 | =BYE  -W3   -B15  -W23  +BYE  -W24  =B28  |   17.5  19.5 
 28  Hartley,Michael                1000      WA  2.0 | -W29  -B25  +BYE  -B21  -W22  =B23  =W27  |   14.5  16.5 
 29  Zhang,Yuxuan               (W) 1700      WA  1.0 | +B28  -W10  -B1   -F15  -F14   --    --   |   14.5  15.5

Previous Winners

 1999  Timo Farber
 2000  Bill Ballantyne, Albert Chin, David Ellis & Timo Farber
 2001  Adam Haasse
 2002  Adam Haasse
 2003  Adam Haasse, Jay Lakner & Wolfgang Leonhardt
 2004  David Ellis & Robrt Maris
 2005  David Ellis
 2006  Adam Haasse
 2007  Gordon Dunlop & Robrt Maris
 2008  Yita Choong & Richard Lilly
 2009  Gordon Dunlop
 2010  John Fedec
 2011  Richard Lilly & Luciano Pavez
 2012  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2013  David Ellis
 2014  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2015  Yita Choong
 2016  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2017  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2018  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2019  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2020  Not played
 2021  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2022  Keegan O'Mahoney
 2023  Ihsan Ferozkohi
 2024  Saminda De Vas & Ihsan Ferozkohi