(Established since 1959)

Richard (Dick) Lilly Swiss

As part of Metro's 60th anniversary, a new rated Swiss Tournament will be named after Life Member Richard Lilly. It will be called the Richard (Dick) Lilly Swiss.

Mr Richard Lilly as a player, contributed greatly to the Club for the past 50 years. The Club's 50th Anniversary Book highlighted his achievements which culminated in being recognised as Player of the Decade 1959-1969 and 1990-1999. He came third in 1980-1989 and fifth in 1970-1979.

As quoted in the book 'If one were to select the best and most consistent player throughout the whole period, you could go no further than Richard Lilly'.

Richard won the Club Championship on seven occasions and the Respini Tournament seven times. The Arved Wasser Memorial Tournament was won five times by Richard. The short game was also no problem for Richard, as he collected the Club Lightning Tournament trophy on three occasions and won the Lightning Handicap three times also.

Richard joined the Club in 1961 and has served on the committee for a number of years in different executive position. He has also been the Club's Director of Play for many years.

Richard thoroughly deserves the honour of having the new rated Swiss Tournament named after him.

2024 Richard (Dick) Lilly Swiss

(Time Control: 70 mins + 30 sec/move increment)

The Round Draws, Standings, Cross Table & PGN's below are believed to be correct, but if you find any errors please let the Web Site Administrator know and they will be corrected asap.

The PGN file of all available games is available here

Round 7 Provisional Draw (02/08)

 Bo. Fed   White Player               Pts   N  Res   N  Pts   Black Player         Fed  
  1   WA   Hernandez Mendez,Iker      5.5   4  ...   3  4.0   Kinsman,Craig C       WA
  2   WA   Ferozkohi,Ihsan            5.0   1  ...   5  4.0   Baumgartner,Robert    WA
  3   WA   Dunlop,Gordon              4.0   6  ...  12  3.5   Simonds,Marcus        WA
  4   WA   Roebuck,Derek J            3.5  11  ...  13  3.5   Zhang,Yuxuan          WA
  5   WA   De Heer,Alex               3.5  16  ...  15  3.0   Wu,Kobe               WA
  6   WA   De Vas,Saminda             3.0   2  ...  30  3.0   Simpson,Max          VIC
  7   WA   Williams,Joshua            3.0  27  ...   8  3.0   Shaw,Robin A          WA
  8   WA   De Vas,Yonal               3.0   7  ...   9  2.5   McGregor,Mike         WA
  9   WA   Christian,Robin            2.5  10  ...  23  2.5   Khasanov,Umar         SA
 10   WA   Ashok,Akash                2.5  26  ...  14  2.5   Liyanage,Nithuli      WA
 11  QLD   Diaz,Marcos                2.0  21  ...  20  2.0   Moseley,Paul          WA
 12   WA   De Jong,Sjef               1.5  18  ...  22  2.0   Klimczak,Joe          WA
 13   WA   Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram    1.5  19  ...  28  1.5   Hartley,Michael       WA
 14  AUS   Vincent,Denis              1.0  29  ...  24  1.5   Motu,Ben              WA

 15   WA   Sheridan,Wallace           3.0  17  0.0 ( not paired )
 16   WA   Milovanovic,Stevica        0.0  25  0.0 ( not paired ) 

Standings after Round 6 (25/07)

 Pos  N   NAME                      g | Rtg  Fed |  Pts     BH   BH-C1  
  1   4   Hernandez Mendez,Iker     m | 2032  WA |  5.5    21.0   19.0
  2   1   Ferozkohi,Ihsan           m | 2429  WA |  5.0    21.5   20.0
  3   6   Dunlop,Gordon             m | 1913  WA |  4.0    21.0   19.0
  4   3   Kinsman,Craig C           m | 2077  WA |  4.0    20.0   18.5
  5   5   Baumgartner,Robert        m | 1965  WA |  4.0    20.0   18.5
  6  13   Zhang,Yuxuan              m | 1700  WA |  3.5    18.0   16.0
  7  11   Roebuck,Derek J           m | 1752  WA |  3.5    17.5   15.0
  8  12   Simonds,Marcus            m | 1733  WA |  3.5    17.0   16.0
  9  16   De Heer,Alex              m | 1659  WA |  3.5    16.0   14.5 
 10  15   Wu,Kobe                   f | 1671  WA |  3.0    22.5   21.0
 11  30   Simpson,Max               m |  860 VIC |  3.0    22.0   19.0
 12   8   Shaw,Robin A              m | 1768  WA |  3.0    21.0   19.5
 13  27   Williams,Joshua           m | 1340  WA |  3.0    19.0   17.0
 14  17   Sheridan,Wallace          m | 1627  WA |  3.0    18.0   16.0
 15   2   De Vas,Saminda            m | 2080  WA |  3.0    15.5   14.0
 16   7   De Vas,Yonal              m | 1802  WA |  3.0    15.0   13.5
 17  26   Ashok,Akash               m | 1392  WA |  2.5    17.5   16.0 
 18  23   Khasanov,Umar             m | 1437  SA |  2.5    17.5   15.5 
 19  14   Liyanage,Nithuli          f | 1674  WA |  2.5    16.5   15.5 
 20   9   McGregor,Mike             m | 1765  WA |  2.5    16.5   15.0 
 21  10   Christian,Robin           m | 1759  WA |  2.5    16.0   14.5
 22  20   Moseley,Paul              m | 1535  WA |  2.0    20.0   19.0
 23  22   Klimczak,Joe              m | 1444  WA |  2.0    16.0   14.5
 24  21   Diaz,Marcos               m | 1500 QLD |  2.0    15.5   14.0
 25  18   De Jong,Sjef              m | 1620  WA |  1.5    19.0   17.5
 26  28   Hartley,Michael           m | 1100  WA |  1.5    16.5   15.5 
 27  19   Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram   m | 1539  WA |  1.5    16.5   15.0 
 28  24   Motu,Ben                  m | 1436  WA |  1.5    14.5   13.0
 29  29   Vincent,Denis             m | 1100 AUS |  1.0    14.5   13.0
 30  25   Milovanovic,Stevica       m | 1431  WA |  0.0    12.5   11.5 

Cross Table after Round 6 (25/07)

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6   |    BH   BH-C1  
  1  Hernandez Mendez,Iker          2032      WA  5.5 | +W22  =BYE  +B12  +W10  +B2   +B5   |   21.0   19.0 
  2  Ferozkohi,Ihsan                2429      WA  5.0 | +W25  +B8   +W3   +B4   -W1   +B12  |   21.5   20.0 
  3  Dunlop,Gordon                  1913      WA  4.0 | +W23  +B9   -B2   +W13  -W5   +B11  |   21.0   19.0 
  4  Kinsman,Craig C                2077      WA  4.0 | +B27  +W21  =B10  -W2   =B6   +W13  |   20.0   18.5 
  5  Baumgartner,Robert             1965      WA  4.0 | +B24  -W10  +B27  +W14  +B3   -W1   |   20.0   18.5 
  6  Zhang,Yuxuan                   1700      WA  3.5 | =W17  =B11  =W22  +B20  =W4   =B8   |   18.0   16.0 
  7  Roebuck,Derek J                1752      WA  3.5 | =BYE  =BYE  +W17  -B11  =W12  +B18  |   17.5   15.0 
  8  Simonds,Marcus                 1733      WA  3.5 | +B30  -W2   =B18  +W25  =B10  =W6   |   17.0   16.0 
  9  De Heer,Alex                   1659      WA  3.5 | +B29  -W3   -B13  =BYE  +W26  +B19  |   16.0   14.5 
 10  Wu,Kobe                        1671      WA  3.0 | +W26  +B5   =W4   -B1   =W8    --   |   22.5   21.0 
 11  Simpson,Max                     860     VIC  3.0 | =B14  =W6   +B19  +W7    --   -W3   |   22.0   19.0 
 12  Shaw,Robin A                   1768      WA  3.0 | =BYE  +W18  -W1   +B26  =B7   -W2   |   21.0   19.5 
 13  Williams,Joshua                1340      WA  3.0 | =W19  =B20  +W9   -B3   +W23  -B4   |   19.0   17.0 
 14  Sheridan,Wallace           (W) 1627      WA  3.0 | =W11  =B17  +W23  -B5   +W22   --   |   18.0   16.0 
 15  De Vas,Saminda                 2080      WA  3.0 | =BYE   --    --   =BYE  +B25  +B20  |   15.5   14.0 
 16  De Vas,Yonal                   1802      WA  3.0 | =BYE   --    --   =BYE  +W28  +B22  |   15.0   13.5 
 17  Ashok,Akash                    1392      WA  2.5 | =B6   =W14  -B7   -W24  =B21  +W27  |   17.5   16.0 
 18  Khasanov,Umar                  1437      SA  2.5 | +W20  -B12  =W8   =B22  =BYE  -W7   |   17.5   15.5 
 19  Liyanage,Nithuli               1674      WA  2.5 | =B13   --   -W11  +W30  +B24  -W9   |   16.5   15.5 
 20  McGregor,Mike                  1765      WA  2.5 | -B18  =W13  +B24  -W6   +B27  -W15  |   16.5   15.0 
 21  Christian,Robin                1759      WA  2.5 | +W28  -B4    --    --   =W17  +B26  |   16.0   14.5 
 22  Moseley,Paul                   1535      WA  2.0 | -B1   +W30  =B6   =W18  -B14  -W16  |   20.0   19.0 
 23  Klimczak,Joe                   1444      WA  2.0 | -B3   +W29  -B14  =W27  -B13  =W24  |   16.0   14.5 
 24  Diaz,Marcos                    1500     QLD  2.0 | -W5   =B26  -W20  +B17  -W19  =B23  |   15.5   14.0 
 25  De Jong,Sjef                   1620      WA  1.5 | -B2   =BYE  =BYE  -B8   -W15  =B28  |   19.0   17.5 
 26  Hartley,Michael                1100      WA  1.5 | -B10  =W24  +B30  -W12  -B9   -W21  |   16.5   15.5 
 27  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram        1539      WA  1.5 | -W4   +B28  -W5   =B23  -W20  -B17  |   16.5   15.0 
 28  Motu,Ben                       1436      WA  1.5 | -B21  -W27  =BYE  =BYE  -B16  =W25  |   14.5   13.0 
 29  Vincent,Denis                  1100     AUS  1.0 | -W9   -B23  +BYE   --    --    --   |   14.5   13.0 
 30  Milovanovic,Stevica        (W) 1431      WA  0.0 | -W8   -B22  -W26  -B19   --    --   |   12.5   11.5

Previous Winners

 2019  R. Baumgartner
 2020  K. O'Mahoney
 2021  D. Ellis
 2022  K. O'Mahoney
 2023  I. Hernandez Mendez