(Established since 1959)

Club Championship

This has always been regarded as the major tournament of the club and is the first major event on the Metro Club calendar in the New Year.

In addition to the prize money for winning the A division, the Club Champion is provided with a reasonable monetary contribution if they participate in the Australian Chess Championships (ie towards airfares, accommodation etc).

The format of this competition is 10 player round robins, run in three, four or five divisions but depending on participant numbers, a Swiss may be held in the lower divisions.

Initially the time limit was 90 minutes per player, however in recent years, with the introduction of digital clocks, all the divisions have 70 minutes with 30 second increments (Fischer time). All games are forwarded to the ACF for rating purposes with the 'A' & 'B' divisions also being FIDE rated.

The allocation of players into FIDE-rated divisions is determined by the first seven players by FIDE rating in a 10-player division, and remaining players by ACF. For non FIDE-rated divisions ACF is used.

Promotion into the higher division

As most spots in a division are filled by rating, the winner of the next-lowest division from the previous year, if not already qualified by rating, is invited to play up a division. If there were more than one winner, tiebreaks for promotion would be, in order:

From a round-robin division: Direct encounter, Sonneborn-Berger, most wins, coin flip.

From a Swiss division: Buchholz-cut1, Buchholz total, direct encounter, most wins, coin flip.

2024 Metro Club Championship

For this year's Club Championship, owing to the number of players, the A & B divisions are 10 player round robins and C division a 9 round Swiss.

Please click on the links below to obtain a copy of the cross tables and playing schedule of A & B divisions.

A Division B Division

Note: The PGN file of all available games is available here

The PGN's above and results, cross tables and C division Swiss round draws below are believed to be correct, but if you find any errors or corrections and/or updates to be made please let the Web Site Administrator know and they will be corrected asap.

A Division

Rank   Name FIDE ACF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Score
1  Stephanus Kurniawan 2280 2459 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5
2  Ihsan Ferozkohi 2147 2424 = 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6.5
3  Craig Kinsman 1853 2092 0 0 = = = = 1 0f 3.0
4  Iker Hernandez-Mendez 1834 2160 0 0 0.0
5  Saminda De Vas 1801 2121 0 0 = 1 1 = 1 = 4.5
6  Peter Roza 1780 2036 0 1 = 0 1 1 1 = 5.0
7  David Ellis 1765 2084 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.5
8  Trent Gulley 1735 2016 0 0 = = 0 1 = 0 2.5
9  Robert Baumgartner 1723 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 1.5
10  Derek Roebuck 1553 1781 0 0 1f = = 0 1 0 3.0

Derek Roebuck qualified via his performance in the 2023 Metro Club Championship B Division

Note: Iker Hernandez-Mendez withdrew.
As Iker has played less than 50% of his games, scores against Iker will not count but the games will still be rated.

B Division

Rank   Name FIDE ACF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Score
1  Garth Fitzmaurice 1778 1890 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 6.0
2  David Barry 1664 1941 0 = 0 1 1 = 0 = = 4.0
3  Gordon Dunlop 1653 1929 1 = = 0 1 = 1 0 = 5.0
4  Mike McGregor 1576 1732 0 1 = 0 = 1 0 0 = 3.5
5  Yonal De Vas 1576 1609 1 0 1 1 1f 1 0 0 1 6.0
6  Marcus Simonds 1573 1796 0 0 0 = 0f = 0 0 0 1.0
7  Robin Shaw 1565 1820 0 = = 0 0 = 0 0 = 2.0
8  Kevin Shah Mansouri 1942 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0f 6.0
9  Ashvin Balavignan 1383 1839 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5
10  Robin Christian 1465 1732 0 = = = 0 1 = 1f 0 4.0

Robin Christian qualified via his performance in the 2023 Metro Club Championship C Division

C Division Swiss

Final Standings

 Pos  N     NAME                      g |  Rtg Fed |  Pts  BH-C1    BH  
  1   7     Wu,Kobe                   f | 1594  WA |  7.0   43.5   47.5
  2   9     Liyanage,Nithuli          f | 1515  WA |  7.0   40.0   43.5
  3   1     Yeung,Evan                m | 1711  WA |  7.0   39.0   42.0
  4   3     De Heer,Alex              m | 1647  WA |  6.0   41.5   45.0
  5   2     Sheridan,Wallace          m | 1703  WA |  4.5   40.5   43.5
  6  10     Milovanovic,Stevica       m | 1506  WA |  4.5   39.5   41.0
  7  13     De Vas,Senudi             f | 1307  WA |  4.5   36.5   38.0
  8   5     Jeyaraj,Reuben            m | 1600  WA |  4.5   36.0   37.5
  9  14     Khasanov,Umar             m |  993  SA |  4.0   42.5   45.5
 10   8     Moseley,Paul              m | 1553  WA |  4.0   41.5   43.0
 11   4     Lubtschenko,Wally         m | 1606  WA |  4.0   40.5   44.0
 12  11     Klimczak,Joe              m | 1501  WA |  3.5   38.0   39.5
 13  12     Williams,Joshua           m | 1392  WA |  3.5   34.0   35.5
 14  15     Arun,Harish               m |  700  WA |  1.0   32.5   35.5
 15   6     De Jong,Sjef          (W) m | 1596  WA |  0.0   24.0   25.0 

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                       Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9   |  BH-C1    BH  
  1  Wu,Kobe                    1594      WA  7.0 | -B3   +W8   +B9   =W6   +B4   +B2   +W7   =BYE  +B10  |   43.5   47.5 
  2  Liyanage,Nithuli           1515      WA  7.0 | =B4   +W7   +B3   +W10  +B6   -W1   =B5   +W9   +B11  |   40.0   43.5 
  3  Yeung,Evan                 1711      WA  7.0 | +W1   +B13  -W2   =W4   +B12  +B11  =W10  +B5   +W9   |   39.0   42.0 
  4  De Heer,Alex               1647      WA  6.0 | =W2   +B12  +W11  =B3   -W1   +B10  +W6   +B8   -W5   |   41.5   45.0 
  5  Sheridan,Wallace           1703      WA  4.5 | -B10  =W6   -B8   =W7   +BYE  +B12  =W2   -W3   +B4   |   40.5   43.5 
  6  Milovanovic,Stevica        1506      WA  4.5 | =W11  =B5   +W14  =B1   -W2   =B8   -B4   =W12  +BYE  |   39.5   41.0 
  7  De Vas,Senudi              1307      WA  4.5 | =BYE  -B2   -W12  =B5   +W13  +F14  -B1   =W10  +W14  |   36.5   38.0 
  8  Jeyaraj,Reuben             1600      WA  4.5 |  --   -B1   +W5   +B14  -W11  =W6   +B13  -W4   +B12  |   36.0   37.5 
  9  Khasanov,Umar               993      SA  4.0 | =BYE  =BYE  -W1   +B13  =BYE  =BYE  +W11  -B2   -B3   |   42.5   45.5 
 10  Moseley,Paul               1553      WA  4.0 | +W5   -B11  +W13  -B2   +W14  -W4   =B3   =B7   -W1   |   41.5   43.0 
 11  Lubtschenko,Wally          1606      WA  4.0 | =B6   +W10  -B4   =W12  +B8   -W3   -B9   +BYE  -W2   |   40.5   44.0 
 12  Klimczak,Joe               1501      WA  3.5 | =BYE  -W4   +B7   =B11  -W3   -W5   +B14  =B6   -W8   |   38.0   39.5 
 13  Williams,Joshua            1392      WA  3.5 | +B15  -W3   -B10  -W9   -B7   +BYE  -W8   +B14  =BYE  |   34.0   35.5 
 14  Arun,Harish                 700      WA  1.0 |  --   +BYE  -B6   -W8   -B10  -F7   -W12  -W13  -B7   |   32.5   35.5 
 15  De Jong,Sjef           (W) 1596      WA  0.0 | -W13   --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --   |   24.0   25.0 

Previous Winners

Click here for a list of previous Club Championship winners.