(Established since 1959)

Club Blitz Tournament

In the earlier years participants of the Club Blitz Tournament were divided into groups of about 8-10 players so that the groups were of even strength. The groups then played off with the leaders in each group advancing to the final. The final should have approximately 6-9 players. Participants also had 5 minutes each for their games.

In later years the Club Blitz Tournament has been held as a Swiss event with varying time controls from 5 mins to 3 mins + 2 sec. increments.

This event is currently held after the Robert (Bob) Pilgrim Open and Aggregate points are awarded for players performances in their respective rating groups.

2024 Club Blitz Tournament

For this year the Club Blitz was held as a Swiss Tournament (11 rounds) using 3 minutes + 2 second increment time control.


  1st: Iker Hernandez Mendez (9.0/11) 
  2nd: Keegan O'Mahoney (8.0/11)
  1st: Akash Ashok (6.5/11)

Final Standings

 Pos  N   NAME                      g |  Rtg Fed |  Pts     BH   BH-C1  
  1   4   Hernandez Mendez,Iker     m | 2032  WA |  9.0    72.5   66.5 
  2   1   O'Mahoney,Keegan          m | 2145  WA |  8.0    72.0   67.0
  3   3   Kinsman,Craig C           m | 2077  WA |  7.5    73.5   68.0
  4   2   Taylor,Leon M             m | 2098  WA |  7.5    69.5   66.5
  5   8   McGregor,Mike             m | 1765  WA |  7.0    69.5   66.0
  6  22   Zhang,Yuxuan              m | 1700  WA |  6.5    57.5   56.5
  7  15   Ashok,Akash               m | 1392  WA |  6.5    56.0   55.0
  8  19   Simpson,Max               m |  860 VIC |  6.0    72.0   68.5
  9  10   De Heer,Alex              m | 1659  WA |  6.0    71.5   69.5
 10   5   Barry,David               m | 1913  WA |  6.0    67.0   64.0
 11  14   Khasanov,Umar             m | 1437  SA |  6.0    66.5   63.5
 12   6   Dunlop,Gordon             m | 1913  WA |  6.0    65.0   62.0
 13  11   De Jong,Sjef              m | 1620  WA |  6.0    49.5   48.5 
 14  21   Diaz,Marcos               m |    0 QLD |  6.0    49.5   48.5 
 15   9   Christian,Robin           m | 1759  WA |  5.5    64.0   63.0
 16  12   Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram   m | 1539  WA |  5.0    51.0   50.0
 17  16   Williams,Joshua           m | 1340  WA |  4.0    49.0   48.0
 18   7   Yeung,Evan                m | 1784  WA |  3.5    49.5   48.5
 19  13   Klimczak,Joe              m | 1444  WA |  3.0    53.0   52.0
 20  17   Hartley,Michael           m | 1000  WA |  3.0    52.5   51.5
 21  18   Vincent,Denis             m | 1000  WA |  2.0    49.5   48.5
 22  20   Kurbanov,Asil             m |  800 AUS |  1.0    51.0   49.0

Cross Table

 Pos NAME                           Rtg   T  Fed  Pts |   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11   |    BH   BH-C1  
  1  Hernandez Mendez,Iker          2032      WA  9.0 | -W7   +B8   +W11  +B13  +W5   -W3   +B2   +B10  +W9   +B4   +B12  |   72.5   66.5 
  2  O'Mahoney,Keegan               2145      WA  8.0 | +B16  +W15  +B6   +W4   -B3   -W9   -W1   +B12  +W10  +B8   +W5   |   72.0   67.0 
  3  Kinsman,Craig C                2077      WA  7.5 | +B11  +W9   =B4   +W6   +W2   +B1   -W10  -B5   -W8   +B14  +W15  |   73.5   68.0 
  4  Taylor,Leon M                  2098      WA  7.5 | +W19  +B7   =W3   -B2   -W10  +B16  +W15  +W9   +B5   -W1   +B11  |   69.5   66.5 
  5  McGregor,Mike                  1765      WA  7.0 | -W8   +B17  +W10  +B18  -B1   +W7   +B9   +W3   -W4   +B15  -B2   |   69.5   66.0 
  6  Zhang,Yuxuan                   1700      WA  6.5 | +W13  +B18  -W2   -B3   -W15  +B20  =B12  +W16  -B11  +W22  +B8   |   57.5   56.5 
  7  Ashok,Akash                    1392      WA  6.5 | +B1   -W4   +B15  =W16  -B9   -B5   +W20  -W8   +B22  +B21  +W17  |   56.0   55.0 
  8  Simpson,Max                     860     VIC  6.0 | +B5   -W1   -B12  +W11  +W18  -B10  +W13  +B7   +B3   -W2   -W6   |   72.0   68.5 
  9  De Heer,Alex                   1659      WA  6.0 | +W14  -B3   +W14  +B10  +W7   +B2   -W5   -B4   -B1   -W12  +W21  |   71.5   69.5 
 10  Barry,David                    1913      WA  6.0 | +B17  +W20  -B5   -W9   +B4   +W8   +B3   -W1   -B2   -W11  +W19  |   67.0   64.0 
 11  Khasanov,Umar                  1437      SA  6.0 | -W3   +W12  -B1   -B8   +W19  +B18  +W14  -B15  +W6   +B10  -W4   |   66.5   63.5 
 12  Dunlop,Gordon                  1913      WA  6.0 | -W20  -B11  +W8   +B14  +W13  =B15  =W6   -W2   +B19  +B9   -W1   |   65.0   62.0 
 13  De Jong,Sjef                   1620      WA  6.0 | -B6   +W21  +B22  -W1   -B12  +W19  -B8   +W17  -W15  +B18  +W20  |   49.5   48.5 
 14  Diaz,Marcos                       0     QLD  6.0 | -B9   +W16  -B9   -W12  +B21  +W17  -B11  +W19  +B20  -W3   +B22  |   49.5   48.5 
 15  Christian,Robin                1759      WA  5.5 | +B22  -B2   -W7   +W21  +B6   =W12  -B4   +W11  +B13  -W5   -B3   |   64.0   63.0 
 16  Sethuraman,Jaswanth Ram        1539      WA  5.0 | -W2   -B14  +W17  =B7   +W20  -W4   +B22  -B6   +W21  -B19  =W18  |   51.0   50.0 
 17  Williams,Joshua                1340      WA  4.0 | -W10  -W5   -B16  -B19  +W22  -B14  +W21  -B13  +W18  +B20  -B7   |   49.0   48.0 
 18  Yeung,Evan                     1784      WA  3.5 | +B21  -W6   +B20  -W5   -B8   -W11  -B19  +W22  -B17  -W13  =B16  |   49.5   48.5 
 19  Klimczak,Joe                   1444      WA  3.0 | -B4   -W22  -B21  +W17  -B11  -B13  +W18  -B14  -W12  +W16  -B10  |   53.0   52.0 
 20  Hartley,Michael                1000      WA  3.0 | +B12  -B10  -W18  +W22  -B16  -W6   -B7   +B21  -W14  -W17  -B13  |   52.5   51.5 
 21  Vincent,Denis                  1000      WA  2.0 | -W18  -B13  +W19  -B15  -W14  +B22  -B17  -W20  -B16  -W7   -B9   |   49.5   48.5 
 22  Kurbanov,Asil                   800     AUS  1.0 | -W15  +B19  -W13  -B20  -B17  -W21  -W16  -B18  -W7   -B6   -W14  |   51.0   49.0 

Previous Winners

 1969  R. Lilly  1989  M. Partis  2009  L. Taylor
 1970    1990  F. Kos  2010  Y. Choong
 1971  R. Butcher  1991  R. Butcher  2011  I. Ferozkohi
 1972    1992  S. Fitzpatrick  2012  I. Ferozkohi
 1973  A. Pope  1993  R. Lilly  2013  L. Taylor
 1974  A. Stewart  1994  A. Robles  2014  Y. Choong
 1975  D. Wallwork  1995  H. Saroinsong  2015  Y. Choong
 1976  R. Di Renzo  1996  H. Saroinsong  2016  I. Ferozkohi
 1977  M. Partis  1997  A. Haasse  2017  I. Ferozkohi
 1978  M. Partis  1998  H. Saroinsong  2018  I. Ferozkohi
 1979  P. Trachsel  1999  L. Taylor  2019  T. Boyd
 1980  N. Khan & M. Segal  2000  A. Chin & A. Kuklinski  2020  I. Ferozkohi
 1981  D. McLean  2001  L. Taylor  2021  I. Ferozkohi
 1982  M. Partis & J. Simpson  2002  A. Haasse  2022  L. Taylor & I. Ferozkohi
 1983  J. Simpson  2003  A. Haasse  2023  K. O'Mahoney
 1984  J. Simpson  2004  A. Haasse & L. Taylor  2024  I. Hernandez Mendez
 1985    2005  A. Haasse    
 1986    2006  A. Hardegen    
 1987    2007  A. Kuklinski    
 1988  R. Lilly  2008  M. Vlietstra